A Christ-centered sisterhood

Welcome to the Women’s Ministry page! Our women’s ministries are devoted to helping ladies develop a deeper relationship with God, while encouraging and serving others. Some of our activities are: Women’s Bible Study (Wednesday Morning and Evening classes are held throughout the school year), Heart-Felt Friends, Stitchin’ Sisters, Baby, Adoption and Wedding Showers, Nursery Work, Retreats, Meal assistance...AND MORE!



Christian Attributes; Colossians

Led by Dotsie Neill; Bailey McGee in Room 23


On Winter Break. Will resume in January.


It’s time to register for our annual Bentonville Ladies’ Retreat!

This is a good opportunity to invite a neighbor who doesn’t have a church home.

The retreat starts Friday, January 24th around 6:00, and ends around 4:00 on Saturday the 25th. We will once again be at the Home2 Suites in Bentonville. The theme will be “Hats with Gloves.” We are like limp gloves, but God’s hands can do mighty things through us. With that power, we can better balance all our “hats” in life. Click here for full details and to register.

Registration for Heart Group 2024 is now open! Heart Group is a ministry for women of all ages, designed to offer tools, resources, and FRIENDS to aid in navigating life as a Christian woman, wife, mother and grandmother. No matter what stage of life you’re in, we have heart-felt friends who love you and are here to support, encourage YOU, as we all grow closer in Christ together.

Interested in having a baby, adoption, or bridal shower at the church?

Email us to get started.

Whether you have attended Bentonville Church for years or are brand new, we welcome you to join us for a night of fellowship and fun, all while getting to know the ladies of our church. Bring an appetizer to share! Drinks and desserts are provided! Contact Holly Hook questions.

We currently need nursery volunteers! Sign up today to leave a big impression on the tiniest members of our church. CLICK HERE to get started or ask questions.

We intend to serve others, teach the word of God, associate with other Christian women, reach out to our community and support all women as they develop a relationship with God in Christ Jesus.
