
Arkansas is experiencing a foster care crisis. Too many children are placed in foster care and never leave, because their parents are not equipped to raise them. We have the knowledge, experience, and love of Christ among us to help with the solution! In fact, we now have a unique opportunity to help these children by walking alongside their parents, working to have them placed back home again. Several members have been certified by the Arkansas Department of Human Services to teach Active Parenting classes. Involvement by caring members has allowed us to add Mentoring to the curriculum, making it Mentoring Active Parents.

We offer these classes free of charge to anyone who has been ordered by DHS or Juvenile Court to attend parenting classes. We also encourage members to take advantage of this valuable resource to better equip their own families, and to provide a supportive class environment.



MAP is a weekly parenting class. Parents are invited to come to a free dinner with parenting mentors who will walk through the course with them, offering encouragement and advice.  After dinner, parents will attend a one-hour live interactive parenting class including interesting video examples of "how to" practice the skills learned in class. MAP mentors help students process concepts from the class and make a plan to put them into practice with their own children. Free childcare is provided during the parenting session for parents and mentors. MAP satisfies court-ordered parenting class requirements.


First Five Years is the foundational Active Parenting program designed to empower parents to make the most of their child’s formative first years. Written by parenting expert (and dad) Dr. Michael Popkin, this course will show parents how to nurture their child with a "just right" combination of freedom and nonviolent discipline. This course helps parents lay the groundwork for strong parent-child relationships and offers tips to prepare children for school success.

  • Satisfies court ordered parenting class requirements

  • The class is free and includes a free meal and free childcare

  • One on One mentoring help to practice techniques learned


Parenting 6-12-year-olds is a continuation of the comprehensive Active Parenting program. Dr. Popkin’s methods and strategies are aimed at guiding children through the early school years into middle school. This course is designed to help raise responsible, cooperative children who are able to resist negative peer pressure and thrive. Parents learn positive discipline and communication techniques to help their family run more smoothly.


Parenting Teens is the final course in the Active Parenting program. This level is designed to help parents through the often-tumultuous teen years. Through video examples, Dr. Popkin empowers parents to take an active role in their teen’s life while preparing them to launch. Each session provides parents with methods and tools to handle sensitive issues such as drugs, sexuality, and violence. 



Be A Mentor. We need caring individuals and couples to walk alongside court-involved participants in this program. Mentors are not parenting experts who have raised perfect children. They are just parents who have held on through the storm, learned some valuable lessons, and are willing to share that wisdom with others who are struggling. Mentors can be parents of young children to grandparents of adult children who will work with MAP parents throughout the course. 

The easiest way to become a MAP mentor is simply to take one of the three courses.  Going through the different sessions will teach how the Active Parenting material works and communicate some really effective parenting tools.

By spending time with the other students in the class, a natural bond will form, giving opportunity to share experiences as a parent as well as opportunity for mentoring.

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