He commanded our ancestors to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands. Psalm 78:5-7

Relationships are our first priority if we hope to impact the next generation and pass a legacy of faith.

Those blessed with the gift of grandchildren are called to inspire and nurture the faith of the next generation as life’s greatest privilege and priority. Grandparents can concentrate on more of the emotional and spiritual needs of the children because they usually do not carry the burden of the day-to-day priorities such as baths, meals, laundry, etc. Those duties most often fall to the parents, giving grandparents a unique and exalted position when it comes to influencing the next generation. Other than moms and dads, no one carries more stature and inherent authority in the lives of children than grandma and grandpa.

Having influence is not the same as using influence. Every time you invest in your grandchild before the age of 12, you make a “deposit” into the influence bank. The goal is to have enough in that bank to influence your grandchild through the teenage years and beyond. Commit to making significant deposits!